Richard M. Jaffe
Nationality:United States of America
Duke University/Professor
Duke University Asian/Pacific Institute/Director
Fields of researches
Religious studies, Buddist studies
B.A. San Francisco State University(San Francisco, USA)
M.A. 1993 Yale University (Connecticut, USA)
PhD 1995 Yale University (Connecticut, USA)
Richard M. Jaffe (born in 1954) received PhD from Yale University. After lecturing philosophy and religious studies in North Carolina State University, he he has worked in Duke University.
・Seeking Sakyamuni: South Asia in the Formation of Modern Japanese Buddhism.Chicago and London: University of Chicago Press, 2019
・Neither Monk nor Layman: Clerical Marriage in Modern Japanese Buddhism.Princeton: Princeton University Press,2001.Paperback reprint, University of Hawaii Press, 2010
Volume Editor , Selected Works of D. T. Suzuki, Volume One: Zen. Berkeley: University of California Press, 2015.
・ General Editor: Selected Works of D. T. Suzuki. 4 volumes. University of California Press. Volume 1: Zen (2015); Volume 2: Pure Land, edited by James Dobbins (2015); Volume 3: Comparative Religion, edited by Tomoe Moriya and Jeffrey Wilson (2016); Volume 4: Buddhist Studies, edited by Mark L. Blum (2020).
Profile is as of the time of the award